Environmental Compliance
RCRA (including Remedial Plan development)
REMC developed RCRA Remedial Action Plans for the treatment and disposal of lead contaminated soils excavated from multiple locations in Missouri. The plans were developed to provide details on the remedial action, land use, transportation and disposal of materials. The soils were transported to Doe Run’s Glover and Viburnum facilities where they were placed in EPA-approved repositories.
NPDES Permitting
REMC has managed NPDES permits for large industrial facilities containing multiple regulated outfalls with total discharges of over 35 million gallons per day. As part of work for this client we have managed the renewal of ten NPDES Permits over a one-year period. We have assisted with the science of effluent limits, derived site-inspection studies and provided feedback to the permitting authority. We have conducted treatment feasibility studies utilizing biochemical and conventional treatment methods. REMC performed facility discharge audits to determine sources of metals loading and potential mitigation methods to improve water quality and increase permit compliance with the Clean Water Act. REMC conducted Dissolved Metals Translator Studies (DMTs) to more accurately reflect site conditions with respect to the biologically-available fraction of metals. REMC performed mixing calculations to determine the impacts of discharge to waters with Total Maximum Discharge Limits (TMDLs) and proposed 303(d) listings. Sampling included the collection of water samples for trace-metals analysis using EPA Method 1669 and Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing. We have developed a prototype water management system for underground mine operations, conducted TIE investigations, evaluated conventional Waste Water treatment Plant efficiency, developed full Quality Assurance/Quality Control Sampling and Analysis Plans and assisted with regulatory negotiations on a multi-million dollar settlement agreement with EPA and DOJ.
SWPPP (Planning and Permitting)
REMC has extensive experience preparing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) for industrial facilities, environmental remediation projects, and construction projects.
REMC has prepared and implemented Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans at multiple large industrial facilities. We can ensure that your facility remains in compliance with SPCC regulations and avoids a costly petroleum or chemical spill.
Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment (RP/EA): REMC prepared a Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment for Natural Resource Damages Restoration at the Richardson Flat CERCLA site located in Summit County, Utah. REMC formulated and analyzed a set of restoration alternatives consistent with NEPA guidance. Performance criteria was established to monitor the results of restoration.
Legacy Highway NEPA Environmental Impact Statement Review and Expert Comment Preparation: REMC served as hydrology experts for counsel representing the Friends of the Great Salt Lake in a landmark lawsuit contesting the placement of a new multi-lane highway located in wetlands adjacent to the Great Salt Lake. REMC reviewed wetland, surface and groundwater impacts to an internationally recognized migratory bird flyway.
HASP (Health and Safety Plans)
Bingham Junction - REMC prepared an initial Health and Safety Policy to inform potential contractors of site Health and Safety related regulations, contaminants, conditions, protocols and applicable regulations prior to bidding on development-related work contracts. A site-specific Health and Safety Plan was prepared for development related construction at the Site. The Health and Safety Plan established the procedures and requirements that will be used to eliminate or minimize Health and Safety hazards to personnel working at the Site. REMC conducted air monitoring on personnel to determine compliance with the OSHA lead standards.
CERCLA Projects – REMC has prepared Health and Safety Plans for each of its numerous CERCLA projects. REMC’s Health and Safety Plans have played an instrumental role in REMC’s unblemished safety record since our founding nearly 20 years ago.
REMC conducted storm water modeling to acquire a Flood Insurance Map Revision from FEMA for a Private Developer. This project consistent of two phases of work. The first phase of work entailed conducting stormwater modeling on a reach of Spring Creek located in Logan, Utah. The modeling was conducted to determine the as-built capacity for a reconstructed reach of Spring Creek. The second phase consisted of preparation of a FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision application. An Occupancy Permit was issued by Logan City based on the results of the modeling.
NRDA (including RP/EA)
REMC is working proactively with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and other trustees to determine recovery curves and perform Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA) for Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) at Richardson Flat. REMC also prepared a Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment (RP/EA) for restoration activities at the Richardson Flat. REMC’s reclamation efforts have provided the client with positive restoration credits for use on other sites. United Park has recently received an award from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for their cooperative approach to remediation and restoration at the Richardson Flat CERCLA Site in Park City. This is the first time the Service has honored a responsible party for their collaboration and successful restoration of a site.